We work with the communities at the grass root to identify the root causes of the challenges and solutions to them.

We seriously  engage in deep  researches aiming at identifying factors  that push women, children and youth into vulnerability and eradicate them. Challenges can range from cultural norms and family practices, to a lack of supportive community centred services, to more systemic barriers at local or national levels. Tools such as participatory research, user-centered design, community mapping, community dialogues, and community driven assessments enable stakeholders to have a voice in identifying where the root causes of challenges lie, and to have agency in addressing them. We will actively engage community members and  yield greater transparency across the life of the initiative. We lay down strategies to mitigate the root causes of the challenges through capacity building, community.


Training to women at Moshi

About 47 women from Moshi Municipality were brought together for a day long seminar on preliminary entrepreneurship tactics. They were well selected from their own areas of operation in the town. This training ended up in issuing certificates of attendance and setting up a network for entrepreneurs with businesses that can co-existently work together.

Tree planting

The foundation completed two weeks long activity of planting 5320 trees to several areas of Kilimanjaro region. Most of trees were planted at schools, churches and mosques with an intention of having the institutions herein be held responsible for caring of each tree and see them grow. Our plan is not to just plant a tree but to make sure it grows and be usefully to the community.

Paying visit

To elderly homes and orphanage centers

We visited TWO centres inhibited with people in need. An elderly home at Njoro ward of Moshi Municipality and Orphanage centre namely Msamaria Children’s home were visited by our team and got provided with food stuffs, bar soaps, clothes and other humanitarian needs.

Blood donation

In working together with RED CROSS SOCIETY Kilimanjaro centre, Jaffarry Hospital and KCMC Hospital we were able to collect 47 units of blood. Our intention was not alone to campaign for blood donation but as well as helping people to carry on health examination on non-communicable diseases. About 156 people were examined for free.

Sports Bonanza

Several football teams were screened and few were selected to take part in the day long sports bonanza. Two matches were played thus bringing four teams of veterans rumble on one pitch. It was a fun everybody was waiting for.


Undertaking at Moshi Town.

The foundation in collaboration with Moshi FM radio campaigned for and called out people of Moshi to come out and participate in the cleanliness activity which took place at KDC area of Moshi Municipality. Our team lead a huge crowd of people who came out for such purpose to clear bushes, collect and burn wastes from papers, plastic bottles, etc which were left scattering all over the area.